
Proudly serving folks virtually worldwide, and locally in Ann Arbor, MI and surrounding areas.


★ 2311 Shelby Ave Suite 106*

Ann Arbor MI 48103

*Suite 106 is located at the end of the long driveway/parking lot, there is a wooden bench out front and a large window with many plants inside

  • There is ample free parking available.

    You may park in the long driveway/parking lot leading to Suite 106.

    There is also a larger, more traditional parking lot available around the building on the northeast corner of Shelby Ave. and Collingwood St.

  • Yes! My treatment room is wheelchair accessible.

    We have access to a wheelchair accessible bathroom in a separate suite, just next door.

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I’ll be in touch as soon as I can; usually within 2-3 business days.