Sliding Scale Session Rates

The economic concept of sliding scale at its most basic is this: by seeking to address the systemic inequalities of class and access in our culture, people pay as they are able for my services.

Those with access to more resources pay more. Those with less access to resources pay less.

This system is based on your financial wealth, and not solely on what you want to pay.

Please consider your own finances and access to resources and choose a rate within the scale that appropriately reflects you and your circumstances.

To better understand and consider where you may land within this scale, some information is provided below. Please take these factors into consideration and pay what feels right.

I will not be requiring proof for where you determine you land on this scale. I trust your ability to honor yourself, my services, and the scale thoughtfully.

Guidance for Sliding Scale

Most Supported | Rate 1: For those with limited financial resources who will benefit from financial support supplemented by the community

Supported | Rate 2: For those with limited to sufficient financial resources who will benefit from some financial support supplemented by the community

Fair Value | Rate 3: For those with sufficient financial resources who can pay fair value for my services

Supporter | Rate 4: For those with more than enough financial resources & can offer some financial support for others to help rebalance systemic inequity

Individual Session Rates for:

45 minutes

Rate 1: $80

Rate 2: $90

Rate 3: $100

Rate 4: $110

60 minutes

Rate 1: $100

Rate 2: $110

Rate 3: $120

Rate 4: $130

75 minutes

Rate 1: $120

Rate 2: $130

Rate 3: $140

Rate 4: $150

90 minutes

Rate 1: $140

Rate 2: $150

Rate 3: $160

Rate 4: $170

Session Rates for:

Online: Group Experience

Rate 1: $780 ($30/hr)

Rate 2: $935 ($36/hr)

Rate 3: $1,120 ($43/hr)

Rate 4: $1,300 ($50/hr)

Online: Individual Experience

Rate 1: $100/hr

Rate 2: $110/hr

Rate 3: $120/hr

Rate 4: $130/hr

In Person: Individual Experience

Rate 1: $120/hr

Rate 2: $130/hr

Rate 3: $140/hr

Rate 4: $150/hr

Accepted payment methods: cash, all major credit cards, HSA/FSA accounts

As a licensed healthcare provider I do not accept or expect gratuity.

However, scholarship contributions are most welcome.